This how-to video shares the secrets behind the “Save ‘Em” portion of Tombstone Mysteries: Solve ‘Em & Save ‘Em. This video shows step by step how to clean and preserve historic tombstones. Sometimes lichen, algae, and mold on historic tombstones can be aesthetically pleasing (aka, “pretty”), so the first question is why even clean the monument? The simple answer is that the lichen, algae, and mold are feeding on the stone and thus, actually destroying the tombstone. The next question to ask is whether the monument is in stable enough condition to clean? As you will learn in this video, the first rule of cemetery conservation and preservation is do no harm.
Tombstone Mysteries: Solve ‘Em & Save ‘Em will take place Saturday, April 16, 2016 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Plano Mutual Cemetery, 2128 18th St., Plano, TX 75074.
Click here to register for Tombstone Mysteries and become part of history!
Organized by: The Plano Conservancy for Historic Preservation
Funded by a grant from: City of Plano Heritage Commission
Special appreciation to: Plano Mutual Cemetery Board of Directors,
City of Plano Library, Volunteer, and Arts, Culture & Heritage Departments,
Texas Cemetery Restoration LLC and Cemetery Preservation Supply LLC
Texas Cemetery Restoration LLC will offer hands-on training to volunteers at Tombstone Mysteries, so the whole family will have the chance join in an interactive experience to save history!
And Cemetery Preservation Supply LLC is proud to donate D/2 Biological Solution to clean the monuments.
What is D/2 Biological Solution?
D/2 Biological Solution is a non-hazardous and biodegradable cleaner designed to preserve historic structures and cemetery monuments used by the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs for our National Veterans Cemeteries and extensively studied by the National Center for Preservation Technology and Training.
View the video below for highlights from last year’s Tombstone Mysteries!